Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Happy New Year!

Yeah, I know it's not Friday, but I don't remember if I posted last Friday (I'll check after this, of course), and even if I did, what's the hurt in posting again? Anyway today is December 31st, the last day of 2014, and I've actually got a pretty decent "Resolutions List" thought up, and I am definitely considering acting on them. This post is mostly meant for that, as well as a little bit about how this past year went. It's 11:24 PM, so I've got a little over a half hour before 2015 rolls through, which leaves me with plenty of time to do this.

Anyway, we might as well get started with this list and enjoy the last bits of 2014 while they're still here.

- Work out with my Iron Gym every day of the week
- Work on getting rid of both my warts at least every other day
- Do homework more often and take a little more time for studying
- Calm down more for Packer games, and football games in general (for real)
- Ween off of cracking my knuckles
- Try out different hairdos, see which ones I like and work best with how my hair lays

I think that's the bulk of it, really. It's now 11:30 PM, a half hour left of the year. I gotta say, it's not been a half bad year. A lot has happened, and a lot is yet to come. I graduated from high school in June, I worked at Mantz Automation - where I did my co-op over my senior year - full-time over the summer, but then quit in the middle of August due to college, I had a graduation party at the end of June and a crap-ton of people showed up, our old shed that was sort of connected to our barn finally fell in shortly before graduation, was then cleaned up a couple months later, I started and currently work at Scenic View Country Club in Slinger as a dishwasher (not a great job, but not bad either, really easy , decent pay), I started college at WCTC (Waukesha County Technical College), I finished my first semester with a completed 19 credits and a 3.1 GPA, I went to the 87th National FFA Convention & Expo for the second consecutive year with the 2014 National FFA Band, I got an awesome desktop PC that works really well for gaming and for my schooling, I got a nice laptop that I can use at school and get more work done and I am now sitting at home, on my couch, watching TV, waiting to "ring in" the new year, 2015. It's been another long haul, but I'll have to be ready for what 2015 has in store for me.

Whether this next year has new relationships coming, a better job in the summer, maybe switching what I'm going to school for, who knows, you never know. I'm pretty ready to take on what's coming (I hope... haha), but I'll be enjoying these last moments of 2014 as well, like I always do at the end of each year. But alright, it's less than 15 minutes away from the New Year, I'd say that about wraps it up for this final post of 2014. Until next time (probably Friday), have a good New Year's everyone. Stay safe and party hard!

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