Friday, November 23, 2012


I don't know why I didn't blog about this last night, probably because I was extremely tired and full from all of the food I ate during the amazingly tasty meal, but I just didn't. Anyway, in this post, I will discuss how my "Thoroughly Fat" Thanksgiving went. I got up around 10:30, ate breakfast, then I took a shower, shaved and brushed my teeth. After that, I waited till my grandparents arrived, and then we ate the meal, which was so veeeeeeeerrrrrry good. I stuffed myself till I could bear no more. After the meal, we ate our wide variety of desserts, which were cheesecake, my Grandma's delicious chocolate tort, some pumpkin pie and I think that was it. Once that was done, I felt like I was going to combust at any second, I had eaten so much. I was able to rest on the couch for a while, though, so my stomach had some time to work off the huge meal I just took in. A while later, once my stomach was happier, I played several games of Chicken Leg with my mom, two sisters and my grandparents. Once I was through two games, I decided to watch the rest of the Texans vs. Lions football game, and the Lions lost, fortunately. I hate the Lions. I don't favor the Texans at all, but I was only rooting for them so that the Lions are out of playoff potential. I've never liked the Lions and I never will.

Anyway, that's what I did for my Thanksgiving. It was filled with lots of eating, games, TV-watching and lots and lots of laziness, haha. While I was laying on the couch, I actually felt kind of hungry, but I was too lazy and feeling fat to get up and eat something, so that was a downer. I did eventually bring myself to get up and eat some more pumpkin pie. I would've eaten more of my sister's cheesecake, but I couldn't find it at the time. I guess my mom had put it into a different container in the fridge, so that's why I could not locate it to eat it's deliciousness. I have yet to eat some of the chocolate tort, only because there is just sooo much good foood. It was unbelievable. It was like when I was eating my dinner at the musical last week Saturday when we had the matinee at 2 and then the closing performance at 7:30. There was so much to choose from, I was actually kind of mad that I couldn't fit all of what I wanted on to my plate. Just like with Thanksgiving, there was a wide variety of food and dessert, and I could have eaten all night.

Anyway, I'm definitely thankful for all of the food that I was able to eat yesterday, but I'm also very very very thankful for my family, all of the wonderful friends I have in my life and my life in general. It's just awesome, fun, interesting, exciting and, at times, adventurous and scary.

I just realized that I keep starting paragraphs with "Anyway,"... wow. I'm gonna stop now.

What if...

Something that just dawned on me not even five minutes ago was this question: What if texting never existed? What if that whole concept had never been created and would never be created? Would friends still talk as much as they do now outside of school and other activities? If you aren't an avid texter, you don't really know the many advantages of it. For one, you're able to think about your response a little more to a question that a friend may ask you, or just on whatever you're talking about. With calls, however, you don't get as long of a time to think about your response; it has to be fairly quick to keep things not awkward. A very good friend of mine that I talk to all the time, literally every day of the week, asks me questions that I sometimes have a hard time finding a good answer to, and if calling was the only form of communication, I don't know how much I'd actually talk to her... I mean, I'd still talk to her at school, but I don't know about at home.

The only couple of downers with texting is that you can't always tell if someone is being sarcastic or serious sometimes through a text message, whereas you can via a call. Your friend has a much better chance of taking something the wrong way through a text than through a call, obviously, but that just shows you the difference between the two forms of communication. There's really only been one instance of where I didn't know if my friend was being sarcastic about something towards me, or if she was being serious, and she was serious, but it was all good.

Anyway, there isn't really too much else I can say about this topic, so I'm just gonna end it now, as it's late, I'll be getting to bed soon, and yeah. Bai.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

The Call of Duty (CoD) Franchise/Series

I have never been a hug fan of the Call of Duty video games, and I never will be. The only CoD game I have is Call of Duty: Finest Hour. It's one of the first CoD games made, and... in all honestly, it kind of blows. The first 30 or 40 missions are alright, but after that, this one in whatever country it takes place, it's so stupid, and it's pretty much impossible to beat. The farthest I've ever gotten in the mission after 5000 painstaking attempts at blowing up the entrance that the Germans were using to get into the damn place, was when I have to hold off more enemies so that whatever retarded Sergeant dude can live, but that's where my issue comes in. It seems as if though you can't save him, because literally 5 seconds every time after I start that part, it says that "Sergeant DeHart was not saved." Wow, really? He's got that little of protection around him that he can't last longer than 5 seconds? Now, I've seen several YouTube videos of this mission being beaten, and the uploaders make it look extremely easy, so I don't know what the hell I'm doing wrong... and that's what made me mad at the game I had. I haven't touched it in over a year or so. I believe I got the game for Christmas 2 years ago. I think last summer (in 2011) was the last time I played it. For some reason, I played a lot of SpongeBob Squarepants: Battle for Bikini Bottom this past summer (in 2012).

Back to Call of Duty, though. Recently - I think just a week or so ago - Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 was released. Everyone who has played one or two of the games from the series says on the YouTube comments and just everywhere on the Internet that once you've played on of the CoD games, you've played them all. I completely agree. Every single CoD game out there has the exact same general idea to it: it's a first-hand shooter game where you go around, killing enemies and getting from point A to point B without dieing. The missions start out easy and then get harder as you progress, obviously (any gamer knows that, even the soft-core ones). I think there are like 15 or so titles in the Call of Duty series, all of them following the exact. same. theme. But oh wait, you say this one has better graphics and an improved and more updated map than the last game? Woop-dee freakin' doo. That's like saying you should get the iPad 4 if you have an iPad 3 already because it has a faster processor and an improved camera. It's almost ridiculous how crazy some of those gamers go when another CoD is made. Even so, that's just how business works. Companies do whatever it takes to get money out of peoples' pockets. If that means by making the same type of game over and making a huge hype about it how it's sooooo much better than the last game, they'll do just that.

Not too much else to really say on the topic of Call of Duty, kind of a specific topic that can't really be broadened out anymore. So... yeah, I'm gonna end this now so I don't blabber on too much.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

A possible relationship...

I have been a single man my entire life, and up until roughly 1 and a half months ago, I've been wanting to date someone. Freshman year of high school I liked this one girl who sat next to me in band, and me being the idiot I sometimes am, I asked the girl out in the weirdest way possible through Facebook. Yeah, it was a stupid move. She didn't even like me, which I am extremely thankful for today. The reason I'm really happy she rejected me (sounds kinda odd, right?) is because I'm really into this other girl that I become closer friends with this school year. She's a senior, but I'm nearly the same age as her, so it's all good. :P Anyway, she is also in band, plays the flute and is one of the two drum majors. We've hung out a lot before, and we've actually kinda "cuddled" a few times. When I went to a homecoming party with her and a few friends, we sat next to each other, and about halfway through the movie (not that this matters, because it doesn't really) I could feel her foot on top of mine. I didn't move mine, and she didn't move hers, so I assumed she either liked it or didn't mine, as for me, so I just left it. It was also a really scary movie, and so after one of the scary parts, she sighed and let her hand/arm fall on my knee, and I put my hand on hers, and then eventually, I'm not exactly sure how, but we ended up holding hands. Like, at first I think it was to help calm me down during the movie, but we kept holding hands even after the movie was over, and so I think something is there... she also put her head on my knee and rested, so I was quite happy that night. We also hugged for a good 2 or 3 minutes after I took her home, so it shwas a good night. :)

Another night that this same kind of thing happened was when I went over to her house and we watched Fiddler on the Roof. At first we were on opposite ends of the couch, but then she scooted closer when her dad brought us some snacks, and then she sat pretty much right next to me after she brought some popcorn over and sat in between her brother and I. Then her brother left, and it was just her and I. She put her head on my shoulder, which I was fine with and liked, and I almost fell asleep because I was so comfy sitting on the couch with her. Then we hugged for a bit and I left. I was again very happy that night. I think the longest hug we've ever had was when we went it the Hartford Jaycees haunted house, and when we went back to her house, after everyone was gone but us, we hugged for a good 15 minutes. It was very enjoyable. :)

I have a plan, though, for asking her out... and I'm really hoping it works. I'm hoping to be able to go see a movie with her tomorrow night, and then sometime after that, whether we are at a restaurant hanging out or just chilling outside, I'm gonna start it off with something like "Could you see us dating or going out?" This part is probably going to be extremely nerve-racking, but before I ask the question I'll be really nervous, as it would be for any guy asking out the girl of their dreams. Anyway, if she says yes, then I'll say something like "Well, would you go out with me?", and if she says "Yes.", I will jump for joy. If not... if she says something like she wants to date someone else... and I can think of a few people she would say... I'm gonna be slightly heart-broken, but I won't let it ruin my night. Though I probably would go into a slight depression, knowing my fantasies of being with her would never come true.

That's what brings me to ask myself "Why would she say no?" My reasoning for thinking that is because she wrote this status on Facebook a month ago that said "He must dance in the rain with me, then I will say yes <3". It was just after I told her I'd dance in the rain with her since no one else would. So, I'm 95% sure she'd go out with me... but that 5% worries me... I'm definitely gonna be praying to God tomorrow before I pick her up that all goes well.