Monday, August 20, 2012

My Beliefs In Ghosts

I have always been in the very middle of this topic; I don't fully believe in them, but I do think they may exist somewhere. My main reason for not actually believing in ghosts is because I've never had a personal encounter with one, or just any object moving all on its own. I've never been sitting in a room when suddenly the door slams shut or slides wide open. If it ever had happened to me, I'd flip shit and probably piss my pants. Nor have I ever seen an odd white mist in the air of a certain shape in family pictures, since that seems the most common place to see proof of a ghost. Of course, I've gone on YouTube and seen videos that claim to have actual footage of a ghost in the hallway, doors shutting on their own and lights flickering on and off. Most, of not all, of those videos are just people trying to grab attention for their channels, since I'm sure it's very easy to make it look like a house is haunted. The door shutting one is so easy it's not even funny; just tie a string to the other side (the person pulling hiding, obviously), and then they slowly pull it to add some effect.

Along side the videos, there are numerous stories on the Internet that tell how a family encountered many sightings of ghosts, usually of people that may have died in that house or hang around there because of old memories. They'll usually say that they heard footsteps in the hallway all night or they may see imprints of feet in a room or something, claiming that no one had ever stepped foot in there. When I read that stuff, I am pretty convinced ghosts are real, but then again, you never know if the author is simply lying to get attention. The only thing I don't like about researching ghost proof and all those stories is when I do it 10 minutes before I head off to bed, because then that's on my mind all night, and I'm worried I'll see weird shapes in my room. I haven't seen anything mysterious for 17 years of my life, and I'm not too suspicious of any place in my house.

Of course, if I think about it hard enough, my mind will make me think I'm seeing a face looking at me through my bedroom window, and then I'll scare myself. I'm even getting a little scared right now as I type this post. It's kind of hard to get through this one, actually. I may not really believe in ghosts, but thinking about them scares the shit out of me. Alright, I can't take it anymore. Bye bye!

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