Friday, September 28, 2012

What To Talk About?

Even though it's been a couple of weeks since I've last posted, I can't seem to think of something to talk about in this post. I think I'll just talk about what I've done this past week and what I've accomplished. This introduction doesn't seem to be getting any longer, so I guess I'll just head right into the meat of this post. Actually, I think what I'll do is start each paragraph with Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, etc., and then say what I did on that day.

Sunday: On Sunday, I helped out at my church's annual Fall Festival, and I worked with some other people at the produce stand outside by the CCD building. It was pretty boring, as I worked second shift, and there wasn't too much of a rush during that time. I got there around 1 PM, and I was done at about 4 PM. People mostly arrived in waves. It consisted of about 10-15 minutes of just standing there, and then 5 minutes of people standing all over it and looking to see what they wanted to purchase. The only thing that really sucked about the job was that half of the produce doesn't have a price label, so then about half the time people ask what the price of something is, I could do nothing but say "I'm sorry, I don't know.", even though I was working there. So, that was my Sunday, besides watching some football afterwards.

Monday: On Monday evening (being as Monday was school) I watched the Green Bay Packers take on the Seattle Seahawks on Monday Night Football. Without a doubt, that game was one of the worst-refereed games ever. Before that game started, however, was when I had found out the official referees were on strike and were negotiating a better contract with the NFL commissioner, so all current games were being reffed by replacement refs. Monday night was when it hit rock bottom. Almost all of the penalties called were called on the wrong team. Most of them were pass interference plays, and they were all against the Packers, when they were clearly against the Seahawks. The very last play of the game, the Seahawks QB threw a 20-some-yard Hail Mary TD, and there were 4 or 5 players that all went for it at once. M.D. Jennings and Golden Tate were the two closest players to the ball, and Jennings caught the ball, with Tate wrapping his right arm around it soon after. That is what I think confused the referees when they were determining if it was a touchdown or touchback, which would give GB the win. The one ref called a TD, while the other called a TB (touchback). I don't understand why the TD signal over-ruled the touchback. signal. They both raised their hands for their signals at roughly the same time, yet the TD won it somehow. Anyway, it was a bad play that caused the Packers to lose 12-14. I also went to the SLW before the game started.

Tuesday: On Tuesday, not a whole lot went on. I went to school, worked, did my band lesson, went home and did all the usual stuff. Nothing too exciting.

Wednesday: On Wednesday, we had a half day of school, so that was nice. At 6 PM I went to Pit Orchestra rehearsal until 9 PM, and I learned my part much better.

Thursday: Thursday wasn't too exciting either. I don't feel like writing much anymore, lol.

Friday: Well, today is Friday, and I've been doing a ton of coding for my site. I'm attempting to completely re-design it, and I'm in the process of that. So... yeah, that's all!

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