Friday, March 30, 2012

Something that I just realized today...

There is this really hot girl in my Chemistry class that I want to ask out but don't have the courage to, and it made me think about something. If I were to somehow manage to pop the question, I would rather have her say "Sorry, I'm taken.", rather than "Um... sorry, you're not my type.", or something like that.

Do you understand why I'd rather get the first response? Here's why:

If I got the second response, that would mean I'd never get a chance at having her. It means she isn't interested in me at all.

On the other hand, if she said the first one, that could mean that I'm still attractive to her (depending how attractive I am in general), and that if she ever broke-up with her current boyfriend, I would have a chance.

Do you see now? Being flat-out rejected is way worse than the "I'm taken.". I don't think she is dating anyone right now, which is surprising because of how attractive she is. You'd think she would have 5 guys asking her out every day.

All I can really do right now is ask God for the courage. :)

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