Yeah. It's not fun. I was scheduled to work today for dishwashing at 3 PM, for a 200-person wedding event, which is ridiculous. I mean, what true American decides to have their wedding on the 4th of fucking July? Sure, it's a wedding day and all, but now you have to celebrate both your anniversary and the holiday of Independence Day at the same time, and I'm not sure how that would work. You've got two completely different celebrations happening on the same day and it's kinda hard to celebrate your anniversary when also trying to visit with friends and family with grilling out and fireworks, unless you plan on being away from all that anyway, in which case, good for you.
Still, though, it was a huge pile of shit that I had to work today. It completely blew any plans I may or may not have had for the 4th (I didn't really, I would've been baling hay all day, eating dinner and then going to the fireworks at night had I not had to work, which I actually would've preferred to do.). When I got to work and had been there for a little while, I looked at the run-down of the meal schedule, and it said they were to start eating at the buffet at 6 PM, with the late-night dinner snack at 9:30 PM, and that got me thinking that this must not be a very late event, since they're going for the pizza just 3.5 hours after eating. I was hoping to be done extra early then and be home for other stuff, but I didn't get out of there until 9:30, which blew so badly. 6.5 solid hours of standing and dishwashing really gets to you after about 3 hours, and certainly when you're the one washing dishes for 95% of it.
Now, it's not that I'm pissed we didn't switch roles (me and the other dishwasher person) because I never really asked if he wanted to wash the dishes (he was new and I didn't wanna just leave a pile for him to muddle through. I kept trying to slim the load down a little and then ask, but I was literally given trays, plates, glassware, etc., like every 30 seconds. It got to the point where I almost lost it and started spraying everywhere and just shoved something in the dishwasher and slam it shut. There were a few times I caught myself talking under my breath in anger, but I stopped immediately, realizing again where I was and didn't want to seem like I was getting slightly scary. I mean, I wasn't actually gonna take the sprayer and just yank it around and throw dishes everywhere, but I was so ready to just like kinda say something about work in an unpleasant tone and walk away for a bit. There was actually a point where I thought I'd never leave and just keep getting more potato-caked dishes to worry about. Eventually, however, I managed to sneak away from my position and do other stuff to make it less hectic on myself, and then I went for taking out the garbage, and that took up almost the rest of my "shift" (I say that with quotes because we don't really have shift, we just arrive at our scheduled times and leave when our area is done, and that usually varies with every event.).
I'm just glad the damn thing wasn't plated and there wasn't any cake to cut or deal with. It was buffet-style and they had donuts for their dessert, which was nice for a change. The bride actually came into the back area for a bit where the waitresses walk in and out when they're taking food out and bringing it back in and she got her music set up for the Grande March, which was sorta funny, especially when she asked if she could sneak through the kitchen. I'd just be like, sure, ya wanna do the dishes too? I guarantee it's not a shit job at all.
Anyway, the event went on, I got tired, it took for-effing-ever, I got back home in time for the end of the fireworks, went back home, relaxed and now I'm typing up this post about how shitty it is to have to work on the Fourth of July, at a COUNTRY CLUB. Like, COME ON, WHO THE F*CK HAS A WEDDING ON INDEPENDENCE DAY?!
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