This is the second time I've forgotten to post on Friday. Yesterday wasn't even all that busy for me, except later in the evening at 7 PM, because I saw Horrible Bosses 2 with a few friends of mine that are home from college for Thanksgiving break. It was pretty good, better than the first one. Anyway, yeah I don't really know why I keep messing this up. I was home pretty much all day, got a Christmas tree with my family in the early afternoon, and that was about it, besides hanging with some friends later on. I guess it's because I've had off of school practically this whole week (had 1 class on Monday that went from 7:30 - 10:30 AM), and so my brain schedule has been messed up like crazy. I haven't done a scrap piece of homework yet, and I have kind of a lot. I need to finish up some drawings for Technical Drafting & CAD and then I have a crap-load of other drawings to catch up on in Descriptive Geometry. I also work tonight at 5, but it shouldn't be that bad. I'm dishwashing with another person for a taste test thing for about 60 people, so it probably won't take too long. I imagine I'll be done by 7:30 at the earliest, 8:30-9:00 at the latest.
I ran up to my room now to actually get going on homework, but I figured I should scrum up another post before it gets too late and next week arrives.
I think I've finally gotten my Christmas list all shaved down to what I want it at. I'm set on 4 different Xbox 360 games - Call of Duty: Black Ops, Ghosts and Advanced Warfare and The Amazing Spider-Man. I got the Spider-Man game for Christmas last year but it came in a partially cracked case, and so my mom sent it back but we never went for a new copy, so hopefully this year I get a good copy. I'm also looking at the Kinect for the 360, so gaming should be a lot more fun because you get your whole body involved with it. I'm also leaning towards just getting a gaming/easier to work with mouse but not an illuminated keyboard. I want a different mouse because the one I currently have came with the computer itself, and I'm not saying it's a shit mouse, it's just not very easy to worth with sometimes, mostly because it has nothing for grips, and the contour of the mouse's design isn't the greatest either. I found one on Amazon for pretty cheap that should work well.
I found some keyboards that looked really sweet and weren't too expensive ($20-$35), but the more I thought about it, the more I realized I didn't really need a different keyboard. I only thought that because there have been a few times when I was on my computer and it was a little dark in my room, but I could easily just turn the light on and be fine, so I opted out of the keyboard idea, saving myself from that potential regret. Plus, the keyboard I have now is just fine, no dings, no nothin' wrong with it.
It's just 2 PM now, so I'm hoping to get a significant amount of homework done before I have to work at 5, which gives me 2.5 glorious hours to work. I say 2.5 because it takes me roughly 15 minutes to get there, and so by the time I get cleaned up from homework and ready to leave, it's gonna be a little after 2:30 and really be time to head out. I feel like I could make a dent in my work though, it feels like a lot when I think about it, but I'm sure I'll be done in no time if I just do nothing but homework for these next few hours, just grind it out and go ham. I know I'll feel a million times better knowing I'm tackling this stuff. So that's about all I have to say for this, hopefully I'll remember to post next Friday and not forget again like I have the past 2 times now. Until next Friday!
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