I have been a single man my entire life, and up until roughly 1 and a half months ago, I've been wanting to date someone. Freshman year of high school I liked this one girl who sat next to me in band, and me being the idiot I sometimes am, I asked the girl out in the weirdest way possible through Facebook. Yeah, it was a stupid move. She didn't even like me, which I am extremely thankful for today. The reason I'm really happy she rejected me (sounds kinda odd, right?) is because I'm really into this other girl that I become closer friends with this school year. She's a senior, but I'm nearly the same age as her, so it's all good. :P Anyway, she is also in band, plays the flute and is one of the two drum majors. We've hung out a lot before, and we've actually kinda "cuddled" a few times. When I went to a homecoming party with her and a few friends, we sat next to each other, and about halfway through the movie (not that this matters, because it doesn't really) I could feel her foot on top of mine. I didn't move mine, and she didn't move hers, so I assumed she either liked it or didn't mine, as for me, so I just left it. It was also a really scary movie, and so after one of the scary parts, she sighed and let her hand/arm fall on my knee, and I put my hand on hers, and then eventually, I'm not exactly sure how, but we ended up holding hands. Like, at first I think it was to help calm me down during the movie, but we kept holding hands even after the movie was over, and so I think something is there... she also put her head on my knee and rested, so I was quite happy that night. We also hugged for a good 2 or 3 minutes after I took her home, so it shwas a good night. :)
Another night that this same kind of thing happened was when I went over to her house and we watched Fiddler on the Roof. At first we were on opposite ends of the couch, but then she scooted closer when her dad brought us some snacks, and then she sat pretty much right next to me after she brought some popcorn over and sat in between her brother and I. Then her brother left, and it was just her and I. She put her head on my shoulder, which I was fine with and liked, and I almost fell asleep because I was so comfy sitting on the couch with her. Then we hugged for a bit and I left. I was again very happy that night. I think the longest hug we've ever had was when we went it the Hartford Jaycees haunted house, and when we went back to her house, after everyone was gone but us, we hugged for a good 15 minutes. It was very enjoyable. :)
I have a plan, though, for asking her out... and I'm really hoping it works. I'm hoping to be able to go see a movie with her tomorrow night, and then sometime after that, whether we are at a restaurant hanging out or just chilling outside, I'm gonna start it off with something like "Could you see us dating or going out?" This part is probably going to be extremely nerve-racking, but before I ask the question I'll be really nervous, as it would be for any guy asking out the girl of their dreams. Anyway, if she says yes, then I'll say something like "Well, would you go out with me?", and if she says "Yes.", I will jump for joy. If not... if she says something like she wants to date someone else... and I can think of a few people she would say... I'm gonna be slightly heart-broken, but I won't let it ruin my night. Though I probably would go into a slight depression, knowing my fantasies of being with her would never come true.
That's what brings me to ask myself "Why would she say no?" My reasoning for thinking that is because she wrote this status on Facebook a month ago that said "He must dance in the rain with me, then I will say yes <3". It was just after I told her I'd dance in the rain with her since no one else would. So, I'm 95% sure she'd go out with me... but that 5% worries me... I'm definitely gonna be praying to God tomorrow before I pick her up that all goes well.
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