Most smart people are aware CoVID-19 is not going away anytime soon. It's probably here to stay just like the common flu. That doesn't mean it should control us, and that's what's happening now. Almost all, if not every, events have been canceled this summer due to the virus. Summerfest got postponed to September (cuz that makes sense, go to *summer*fest in September...), the EAA flying event, WI State Fair, movies... everything got taken out. We went from President Donald Trump's "flatten the curve to slow the spread of the coronavirus" to essentially "we can't take any risks with this thing so all activities planned for the year are canceled".
I understood quarantining for the first few weeks to figure out how this virus behaved and waiting for the medical data to start populating, I think everyone did, because all you heard was "listen to the experts! Follow the science/math!" for a month. Then, two doctors out of Kern County, CA gave an hour-long press conference to a handful of reporters and laid out what data they had collected. Based off of everything they'd gathered and from their professional opinions, they didn't get why everyone was still being told to "shelter in place" and wash your hands so often. Even today, as more and more data comes though, it's being shown that this virus isn't what we were being told it was. Yet anyone who only follows the media/"experts" turns a blind eye to the data because it doesn't fit their agenda.
Back when President Trump made the decision to shut the country down, he did it based off of some "expert's" model that predicted as many as 2.2 million Americans would perish if no measures were taken against the virus. The problem? That model was created from 10 year old technology. From a guy who had gotten other pandemic predictions wrong in the past. Consistently. Oh and he also broke his own quarantine rules to fool around with a married woman. Tell me again why we decided to listen to this dumbass?
I was told this morning that I for sure won't be back in the office until July 1st. I'm fine with that. I've been working remotely since March 23rd, so it's not like I can't handle another 4 weeks at home. At least the gym and the local theatre have both reopened in the last two days, so things are starting to get back to how they should be.
The biggest issue I take with this is how at the beginning it was about, as I said earlier, flattening the curve so the spread was slowed and hospitals weren't overrun with patients. We did that, the majority of hospitals in most states are doing fine with patients, I think. It turned into not taking any chances, even though we're handling it, and just straight-up canceling this year. Instead of letting things open or go on and having people decide for themselves if they want to risk it, it's just all shut down.
What a fun year 2020 is shaping up to be. Woop. Guess no one knows what's best for themselves, we have to let the government decide that.