Another few months went by and I again emailed her asking about if there was any possible ETA she knew of, and she told me they hoped to have it done by the end of 2014. January 1st, 2015 rolled around and still nothing. Eventually I emailed her one last time. She never responded, but it didn't matter, because about a week into February I decided to cruise to Bertram's website, and for like a half a second my mind wasn't registering their new site and that it was finally here. Once I figured out what I was looking at (their update was so drastic I actually thought I was looking at a different ISP's website for a short time), I started freaking out because the day I had waited nearly a year for was finally here. I let my parents know about it, and a bit later I called them up to have them get that shit installed. They came over about 4 days later, and... then... something else happened. The installation technician told us that our current setup wouldn't work with the new equipment since it's a lot heavier and acts like a sail, so if it were to ever get really windy out, our current pole could possibly lose the signal. I was pretty disappointed to hear about that and have it come down to some stability. I was forced to wait another good month before I could get the new structure out.
Just before I was on Spring Break, the weather warmed up a lot, and it got to the point where I could finally start digging a hole where the new structure would go. I was able to dig down about 6 inches before calling it a good afternoon's work. That following Sunday I had to work most of the afternoon, so my oldest sister's boyfriend was able to finish it, and he managed to dig down a full 3 ft., 2in. which was pretty damn good. They showed me what had been done, putting the concrete in the hole and letting it heal up over the week then. I contacted Bertram once more and let them know we were ready for some actual installation, and about a week later we were flying high speed on the net. Right now we are on the 5 Mbps download service, and it's working great. Everything is consistent, we get about 4.8 Mbps down and .97 Mbps up every time I do a speed test, which is great, and it hasn't had a hiccup yet (knock on wood).
Now, let me tell ya, I was so damn happy when it was finally set and done. I was in class when my mom told me they had come and set it up that morning (last week Wednesday), and I was pretty anxious to get home and enjoy it. Having lived with the Internet we had for nearly 20 years of my life wasn't torture, but it made me feel like we were slightly out of touch with everyone else in a way. Ever since, we've watched several shows and movies on Netflix with no problem, gone on YouTube on my Xbox 360 and the laptops with little trouble and everything is overall much quicker. Someone from Bertram did call and ask if everything was going well and just wanted some feedback, so I'll probably take care of that when I get a chance sometime this week. I've also called Signicast twice about a follow-up on my resume that I gave them, and both times I had to leave a message and the guy didn't call back yet. I called around 12:30 on Thursday afternoon and left a message, and then again today around 11:30 I called. On Thursday he said he was currently out, and this time he was in but not at his office. Anywho, that's about all I wanted to cover, keep y'all in the loop on our internet situation and how much nicer it is. Until next time!