Wednesday, November 20, 2013


So, for my 18th birthday, I purchased the Samsung Galaxy S3 on Straight Talk for $400. I had been deciding between that and the black iPhone 4S. Now, 3 months later, it has finally hit me that I really wish I had gotten the iPhone, for several reasons:

- I like simplicity. 
- I like organization. 
- I like an attractive phone (the S3 doesn't seem that appealing to me anymore, visually).
- I like iOS waaaay more than Android. 
- I like the feel of an iPhone. 
- I like the iPhone's display. 
- I love everything about the iPhone. 

When I was about to purchase the S3, I was turning into one of those Android users hating on iOS users. I regret ever doing that. I've come to discover that I really do prefer iOS over Android and I'm beginning to regret more and more, now, getting the S3. I would sell my S3 on eBay, but my mom doesn't think it's worth it for the reasons I told her about, most of which I mentioned above. My plan was to sell the phone for $300 on eBay, put the service back onto my old phone for a bit, order the iPhone 4S from Wal Mart and be a happy guy. Most of my family was against me doing this simply because of why I wanted to switch: I like iOS way more than Android, and I couldn't come up with a good reason to get another new and expensive ($450) phone. I understand what they mean when they don't want me getting a new phone, since that's roughly $800 that I'd be spending on phones. But really, it's not. If I was able to sell the S3 for $300 on eBay, I'd only have to take out $150 for the iPhone, which really isn't that much money. 

Most of the reason why I got the S3 was because my sister didn't want me getting the iPhone. She said she didn't want to see me paying full-price for a phone that is glass on the front and back and could crack at the slightest drop. She also doesn't want me getting something that's better than hers, whatever it may be. All I can say from this whole issue is this: I know to never let my sister's opinion change or alter my final decision at all. I could have easily gotten the iPhone 4S, but I let myself go her way too much. Gr...