A big reason I decided to blog about this was because two friends of mine that had started dating as freshman (and I think they literally started halfway through the first month of the school year) recently broke up. By recent I mean about 2 weeks before school started. I'm not exactly sure what the cause was for the break-up, but all I know is that the guy (I'm not mentioning any names for the sake of their own privacy) apparently was hanging with another girl (not his girlfriend... at the time) until 2 AM, and was calling his then-current girlfriend his ex-girlfriend even before they were officially broken up, so I don't know what the whole deal was there, but it obviously wasn't good. Now, those two are obviously done with each other, and I'm pretty sure both are starting up new relationships very soon (by very soon I mean they are hanging with other people of the opposite sex quite often).
That is one reason why I not only think high school relationships are over-rated, but am glad that I won't be in one ever (a high school one, that is). The other reason is a general and very annoying one: any time something is not going well in the relationship, the girl thinks that everyone on Facebook needs to know about it. FYI, I don't give a shit about the fact that your man hasn't hung out with you for a week or that he's been "fooling around" with other girls. That's your own issue that doesn't need to enter the Internet, but it does anyway.
I'm also glad that I'm not in a relationship right now simply because they are over-rated in high school. There's a very very very good chance that you don't meet that right person in high school (though I'm pretty sure I'm part of that small small percentage that did meet that right person). If you do, then you clearly weren't keeping your options opened and were afraid you'd meet someone better than your current significant other (again, not for me). Plus if you start a relationship in high school, you always create that risk of something going wrong and then you lose their friendship, and possibly other friendships because of whatever shit happened around you. Then there's the problem of being friends with people that aren't friends with other people that you're also friends with. There are several people I'm friends with that other friends of mine would never ever look in the face ever again. It's sad, but that's what high school does to some people. :(
Anywho, that's my take on high school relationships now, and how I view them. I don't expect my status to change at all this year, but hope that it does in 2 or 3 years with this one girl that I met real well junior year and still like her a lot to this day (she was a senior and is now off at basic training). I feel like she's the one. I just love everything about her. But yeah, that's my opinion on this topic and that's that. Byeeee!