Thursday, November 24, 2011
Happy Thanksgiving! I hope all of you out there had a great Thanksgiving. I sure did; I had a delicious meal, then I watched the Packer game, and after that I went to see the "Muppets" movie, and now I'm just sitting at home, relaxing. I'm really happy I have tomorrow off!
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Breaking My Addiction
My biggest addiction is/was SA-MP. I spent at least half my summer on the game. I recently had to break my addiction of it because it was getting so bad. I deleted everything that allowed me to get on it and everything related to it. I'm free!!!
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Accepting/Denying Friend Requests on Facebook
I think the toughest decision I ever have to make on Facebook is who to accept in a Friend Request. I currently have 3 Friend Requests, and they are all people that I'm not sure if I wanna accept them. I mean, I know them, but they aren't one of my good friends that I talk to a lot. Anyway, I just thought I'd make this new post since it seemed like a good post and I felt like it. :)
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Missed a month!
Dang it, I was trying to make a goal of posting at least one blog each month. I had been doing really good, I had at least one post from January - July, but I never made a single post in August. :( That makes me said. Anyway, a lot has been going on lately. School has, of course, started again and I'm involved with a shit-ton of things this year. First of all, I'm the Sentinel in the FFA, so I am doing a lot with that this year, and I'm in Robotics, so I have meetings for that and whatnot, plus I am working after school every once in a while when I have to substitute for someone that either can't work or doesn't want to (weird how that can work, I know, right?). So, yeah. I think the main reason why I never blogged in August is because I spent the majority of my time on SA-MP (San Andreas Mulit Player), and didn't do much else, which is really sad. I think this post definitely makes up for the missed month of August. I wish I hadn't done that... oh well. Later!
Monday, July 18, 2011
British Teenager Bikes on Lake!
I was just recently reading something about a British teenager, 16 years old, who apparently rode his bike on a 75-foot deep lake to raise awareness for some bike event coming up. He was interviewed by the media, but he wouldn't tell how he did what he did. He says that many people saw him do it and say it isn't a camera trick, and that the photos are real. It's very possible that the photos are real, but it's also very much possible that he wasn't magically riding his bike on the lake with nothing under neath and out of sight. He most likely had a long platform below sea level, making it appear as if though he were biking on a lake. Nice try trying to top Jesus with biking on a lake.
I'm beginning to feel like I'm not using my Blog the way it's meant to be used. I've been viewing friends' of mine blog's (if I said that right) and they are written in a different way that seems right. Mine just seem like a mini-version of a journal. And, to me, a blog isn't a place for you to tell people what you did today, what you're planning to do, or anything in that matter. I believe it's for giving your thoughts about something, and well, now that I think about it, maybe sometimes how your day was or what happened. I might go surfing around on other blogs on Blogger, and see what I should change.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
I'm Back!
It has been a looong time since my last blog post. Well, not a long long time, but it's been a while since I've been on here. I don't have much to talk about in this post, actually. There's a really good song on right now.
Monday, May 23, 2011
One Thing That Really Annoys Me About Apple
The one thing that really irritates me about Apple is that they don't allow any PC or non-Apple hardware computer to run Mac OS X. I find that very frustrating because there is a program built-in to all Apple computers called "Boot Camp." It allows you to install a version of Windows on a Mac and use either the Windows or Mac OS. That is really kinda mean, I think. This is pretty much what Apple is saying: "We won't allow ANY of our software to be installed or run on non-Apple hardware, but we WILL let Windows be run on OUR computers.
You sons of bitches.
Saturday, May 7, 2011
The Worst Browser: Internet Explorer
I really think that Internet Explorer (IE) is the worst browser ever made. Now, it may be just because of my Netbook's performance, but when I was testing the new IE9's speed, it sucked. The webpages loaded kind of fast, but the scrolling was very choppy and it was not very good in terms of performance. I would highly recommend either Chrome or Firefox.
Friday, April 22, 2011
Today is the first day off of school for Easter break! This morning I had to serve at Good Friday mass. Tomorrow night at 12:00 AM I can go back on Facebook! Whoo hoo! I do have some homework over break, but it's nothing too difficult. Alright, bye!
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
That's good!
I'm very happy tonight because I don't have much homework tonight. In fact, the only other homework that I have is studying for my math test, which won't be too difficult, I hope anyway. I'm thinking about buying a camera to make more YouTube videos this summer, but I'm not sure what camera to get. I was thinking of getting the Flip, although Jon, from YouTube, has said that it's not the greatest camera. Whatever. I'll research it a little more.
Monday, April 18, 2011
The Canon PowerShot Digital Camera
I have taken into consideration purchasing this video camera that I plan on using to record future YouTube videos that I will be making this summer. It is a bit pricey, but heck, it's only a couple bucks away from the price of the Flip, and it does a hell of a lot more than the Flip. Plus, I have almost half the amount it costs. I think I AM going to buy it!
Here's a link to the camera in case you happen to be interested:
Thinking twice is a good idea!
,Today, I found out that it's a good idea to think twice before you make an online purchase. No, it wasn't like I found out it was a scam or anything. I was thinking about purchasing a VGA-to-HDMI cable so I could put my Netbook's display on the TV, but after reading some of the reviews, I found out it's not as simple as plugging two ends of a cable into two different things. You need an actual converter/adapter for the VGA end to transmit over to the HDMI end in order for the connection to work right, or something like that. Plugging in both of the ends just like that won't do what you want - you need the converter to make it work right. However, a converter for this kind of thing costs well over $100, believe me - I've done my research. So, if you're thinking about making an online purchase, be sure to read the customer reviews before making a decision so fast- it can save you time and money.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
I Did it Again
I did it again. I "turned my PC into a Mac." By putting that phrase into quotes, I mean I merely changed the desktop background, installed the Rocket Dock thing, and installed the Yahoo! Widgets. But I'm probably going to change it sooner or later. Oh well! It's fun doing this!
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Hm... Interesting...
I had a half day of school today, so I thought I'd blog a bit before I do the "second half" of my homework. Anyway, this morning at school, this one kid was showing a friend of mine something he found on the web on his iPhone. It's like a Chat Roulette, but without the video chatting. He was showing the other guy, and it's pretty much a site that picks a random person and you and the random person can chat, or either one of you can disconnect. I would never do that because who wants to talk to a complete stranger who is from anywhere in the world? Only creeps would do that, because those creeps are the complete strangers.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Really Weird/Annoying

See what I mean?
Friday, April 8, 2011
Mozilla Firefox 4.0
Don't you just hate it when you're about to publish a blog post, but then the "Post" button isn't working, so you want to copy the text and refresh the page so it works, but instead of hitting the "Copy" button you hit the "Paste" button and it deletes all of the text? That's what just happened to me. I was talking about how I think Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome are the two best browser out there, in my opinion, but it all got deleted. >:(
Sunday, March 27, 2011
2011 FRC Competition
Wow, that Robotics Competition was awesome on Friday and Saturday! Our team didn't do too bad, but we weren't one of the best. I think we may have won one game. There was one team that I think won all but one of their games. It was Team 111, "Wild Stang," and they seemed to be just about the best team there. It was mainly because they have a ginormous team, and their main sponsor, Motorola, gives them a lot of money and they get their robot done in about a week or so, and that gives them plenty of time to practice using their robot. Apparently, though, Motorola will be dropping them as a sponsor, and so their team won't be as good next year. I don't know, I'm not sure how next year will be since I don't think I'll be in it next year. The overall work involved with all of this is a little bit much for me, and just, yeah. Alright, spring break is here! Whoo-hoo!!
Sunday, March 20, 2011
This Makes no Sense
I don't understand why if you have a Mac, you are able to install a fully licensed copy of the Windows OS, but you can't install a copy of the Mac OS on a PC. It kind of irritates me. Apple doesn't allow their OS to be run on a PC, but yet the Mac can run Windows. It's like they won't let Microsoft do something, but they can use their property. It's kind of wrong, in my perspective. It almost makes me want to install Mac OS X on my Netbook, even though my Netbook isn't capable of running that Operating System. Oh yeah, if you're an idiot and don't know what "OS" stands for, it stands for "Operating System." I guess that's how Apple is. They are so protective of their software, they won't allow people to use it on their PC's. I guess that's one reason why there are barely any if not any viruses brought onto the Mac OS. Okay, I've had my input about this issue, what's yours? Even though probably no one is reading these blogs. No one probably knows this blog even exists.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
My Final Decision
I have decided to completely uninstall Google Chrome for good now. Yeah, I know what I said earlier about it being really fast and awesome, but Firefox has always been more "homey" to me. I don't know, I guess it's because I'm more familiar with Firefox and like it better. So, I have decided to stick with Mozilla Firefox for GOOD. I've always liked Mozilla Firefox ever since I first started using it. It appears to me that it's more safe and secure than any web browser. I personally think that Internet Explorer sucks. Opera is just ridiculous. Google Chrome is descent, but to me, it doesn't match the performance of Firefox. Think what you want, I don't care.
Friday, March 18, 2011
Gosh Darn It
I'm really annoyed right now. Today in 7th hour I was going to ask for my flash drive back, but I never got a chance to, and now I have to go the whole weekend without it. That kind of pisses me off, because I was going to try out that Ubuntu thing that a friend of mine had put on there. My teacher took it away from me yesterday, and I planned on asking for it back today, but totally blew my chance to ask. Ugh.
Holy Shit
I just downloaded the most recent version of Google Chrome and it is WAY faster than the portable version that I had on my flash drive. I think I might stick with this one and somehow put it on my flash drive. I do think there is a portable version of this one, and it should be easy enough to do that. Alright, I'm hitting the net! See ya!
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Ah... Ah... Just Ah...
I was going to post a lot of stuff on this post, but I decided not to. Not much on this post, though. Just these words. :)
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Two Words: Google Chrome
I am seriously considering switching from Firefox to Chrome. For one, Chrome is a hell of a lot faster than Firefox. Also, it even supports all of the security add-ons that Firefox offers as well. It seems like there were some huge speed improvements made to Google Chrome. If you haven't yet, make the switch to Chrome today!
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Isn't pudding a funny word? I mean seriously, when you or someone else says "pudding," doesn't that make you laugh a little bit? It kind of does for me. The reason why I titled this post "Pudding" is because I am currently having two pudding packs, and they are just delicious! Although, I can't really say "they" because I'm only able to really eat one at a time, because it's quite hard to eat both at the same time, so I can only say it's quite good right now. Yeah, there, that pretty much summed that issue up. I guess. Do you have Netflix? I do, and I love it! I mean, watching movies instantly online for free anytime you want?? That's awesome! Well, it's not completely free, you still have to pay whatever deal you go with depending on how many DVD's you would like to have sent to you at a time. For one disk, it's $8.99, for two, it's I think $10.99, and then for three it's $12.99. Yeah, some pretty freaking awesome deals! Visit this link to get started with your free trial! Netflix Website (Click it)
Saturday, March 12, 2011
I was at Solos and Ensembles today, and I got a first on all 3 of my events! I got a *1 on our quartet, which means we are going to State, and then I got a 1 on my duet and on my solo! I was so excited! It made me so happy to see a 1 when I checked the rankings on the window. Okay, sorry, but I have to go now. I am about to put the dishes away and load some more up!
Sunday, March 6, 2011
It has been a really long time since I last posted in my blog. I have been extremely busy with school. Mostly because of Solos and Ensembles. My high school is really hardcore about it up until the last minute. Not the high school itself, but the music/band department. In all of your lessons, you either work off of your lesson book or your solo, duet, trio book, etc. Plus, then you have more lessons than usual each week. Some of them are during 6th hour band, others are during 5A and 5B Study Halls. Apparently next year they are going to make some major changes to study hall. There won't be any kind of 5A or 5B crap. If what I've heard is correct, they are going to have it be 3rd hour, which means you would get almost a full hour of study hall, which would be really awesome, but you may also have access to Open Courtyard, Open Gym, and a lot of other cool features. How the heck did I start talking about this? Oh yeah, because of Solos and Ensembles. Anyway, on Friday I watched "The Social Network" and then on Saturday afternoon I watched "Inception" with my sisters. Both of which were fantastic. They were just crazy awesome. Alright, I'm tired. Night!
Friday, February 11, 2011
Thank God the week is done, I feel like a zombie gone back to life, back back to life. That's a lyric from Usher's song "DJ's Got Us Fallin' in Love Again." Also, if you didn't know, TGIF stands for Thank God It's Friday! Because Friday is the best freaking day of the week! Luckily, the homework that I have is really easy. I should be doing some of it to finish it then. I don't know why I'm not doing any of it. I am being so unproductive. I don't care what you think at all, it's my life and that's just how I am. Deal with it. :)
Saturday, February 5, 2011
No Title
I couldn't think of a title for this entry, so you can tell what I put. I'm kind of leaning towards not putting anymore videos embedded with this blog because I'm worried it's starting to slow down the whole blog itself, since there's so much flash content. I mean, yeah, it was cool the first few times putting videos up, but now it's like, it's a little too much. My Netbook's Processing chip is too slow for that, and I don't feel like copying and pasting a whole bunch of crap for a blog that no one reads.
Because of this, I might restart my whole blog over again, I don't know. I like updating this blog and just talking about anything, it's just that I think the video portion of the blogs are taking over the speed now and slowing it down, making it less interesting for someone who wants to look at my blog. Instead of always posting videos, I think I will just type up a boat load of text and talk about ramble ramble ramble. Bye now.
Because of this, I might restart my whole blog over again, I don't know. I like updating this blog and just talking about anything, it's just that I think the video portion of the blogs are taking over the speed now and slowing it down, making it less interesting for someone who wants to look at my blog. Instead of always posting videos, I think I will just type up a boat load of text and talk about ramble ramble ramble. Bye now.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Pirating: What Is It?
I'm sure you or someone you know has pirated a song, game, movie, or some type of software. Do you yourself really know what pirating is? It's the act of obtaining something from the owner for free without permission. A word to describe it would be "Copyright Infringement." Now, I know millions upon millions of people around the world pirate thousands of different things across the Internet, making it almost impossible to completely stop piracy from occurring. So, in general, PIRACY IS ILLEGAL!!! Again, this probably won't make a dent in anything about piracy, but it's helpful enough for someone who happens to come across my blog. Anyway, here is a very helpful website that will fill you in on the whole dealio about piracy:
Click Here
Click Here
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Friday, January 21, 2011
Been A Looooong Time
It certainly has been a while since I last blogged on here. It's mainly because I've been so busy with exams for school. Now that I'm done, I have no homework, other than Drivers Ed. homework. Anyway, to sum up this Friday, here's the perfect video:
From: TheFunnyrats
From: TheFunnyrats
Sunday, January 9, 2011
2011 First Robotics Competition (FRC)
It's that time of year! The First Robotics competition is coming up, and currently, it's "Build Season." In Build Season, all robotics teams get 6 weeks to prepare their robot for the game. They receive a kit of supplies that will be used on the robot for it to be able to play in the game accordingly. This year's game is "LOGO MOTION." Alliances of 3 teams on each side will compete with their robots to make the FRC logo, which is a red triangle, white circle, and blue square. In the first 15 seconds of the game, during "Autonomous" mode, the robots only job is to get their yellow uber tube onto on of the pegs. If they succeed with this, the team will get double the amount of points for that level of pegs. There's more to explain, but I don't want to explain ALL of it, so here's the website to viewing all of the information on this year's game and what FRC is:
FRC WEBSITE <---Click this!
FRC WEBSITE <---Click this!
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Packers: In the Playoffs!!!
Just this past afternoon, the Green Bay Packers beat the Chicago Bears 10-3, securing their spot in the playoffs! Let's hope they do well and go far, maybe even all the way to the Super Bowl!
Prize Bulb: Gone?
I remember that I used to go on a site that supposedly gave away free items such as iPad, iPod touches, iMacs, and other tech things. Just this past night I was looking up the site again, but it looks like either Prize Bulb shut down, or it's being faulty. Whenever I go to the site, I get a site that offers a bunch of other links that are like linked to prize bulb or something. It's really weird. If you want to, go ahead and check it out for yourself.
Prize Bulb Website
See what I mean?
Prize Bulb Website
See what I mean?
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